Deze losvallende broek werd uit het niets aangevallen door een flesje nagellak, met een lelijke, overwijderbare nagellakvlek tot gevolg. Maar het is niet omdat je er zo’n vlek niet meer uitkrijgt, dat je ze niet kan camoufleren. Met borduurwerk, bijvoorbeeld.
Do you have a garment with nail polish stains lying around? Read on below to find out how to camouflage that stain, and what materials you need to do so. Don't feel like doing it yourself? Feel free to drop me a line, and together we can find a solution.
What do you need?
- Pins
- A pencil
- An embroidery needle
- An embroidery hoop (optional)
- Embroidery floss in a colour of your choice
- A piece of soluble transfer paper, at least the size of the stain you want to camouflage.
Camouflage a nail polish stain
Carefully study your victim. Does the fabric have a print? Or is it just plain? If the latter, you can add whatever design you like. If the former, you can use the existing print to create a camouflage design for the stain. And that's what we'll do in the steps below.
- Choose a design that is at least as large as the stain you want to camouflage.
- Place a piece of water soluble transfer paper on top of the original design.
- Use a pencil to transfer the design to your transfer paper.
- Cut the transfer paper roughly around the edges, making sure you leave some room to easily embroider on top of the design.
- Speld je uitgeknipt stukje vlies over de nagellakvlek heen. Zorg er hierbij voor de je ontwerp de hele vlek bedekt.
- Find embroidery floss in a colour that matches your design.
- Embroider over your design.
- Finished? Run some water over your transfer paper to remove it.
Nagellakvlek weg! Zelf ook een kledingstuk liggen met (nagellak)vlekken die je graag wilt camoufleren? Feel free to drop me a line, and together we can find a solution.
Wil je zelf leren borduren? Check dan onze borduurworkshops.