Vintage brown seventies blouse with a flowery motive that used to have a tear but has now been repaired with embroidery that mimicks the same design

Repair a tear in your blouse

This vintage seventies blouse had a big tear on its back, and could no longer be worn. Some fusible woven stay tape and embroidery floss saved the day in the end. But how exactly do you use those to repair such a tear in your blouse?

Brown seventies blouse with a flowery design that has a big tear on its back

Repair a tear in your blouse

  1. Turn your blouse inside out, and arrange the fabric and the tear in their original form as much as possible.
  2. If necessary, cut off any loose hanging threads.
  3. Use fusible interlining pattern or seam tape to stick the tear back together, so your fabric won't move. What type of fusible interlining to use best, depends on the type of fabric your blouse is made of. If you have no idea what to choose, take your blouse with you to the shop, and ask for advice there. Place your fusible interlining or seam tape over the tear on the inside of your blouse, with the sticky side down. Make sure you cover the whole tear. Iron everything in place.
    Tear in blouse that has been stuck together again using seam tape on the inside
    On the outside, it already looks like this:
    Buitenkant van bruine seventies blouse waarin scheur al weer mooi tegen elkaar aan ligt
  4. Search for embroidery yarn or sewing thread in the same colours as your blouse and the design on your blouse.
    Matching garen gebruikt om de scheur in de blouse te herstellen
  5. Embroider over the tear, following the original design as much as possible. In this case I used a satin stitch to embroider the background colour, and some back stitches to embroider the flowers.Close up van vintage seventies blouse waarin je kan zien dat het borduursel waarmee een scheur werd hersteld het originele design nabootst

All done!

Because I used the same colours as the original design, you need to look twice to actually see where the tear used to be. If you'd like your repair to jump out more, you can always opt to use contrasting colours instead.

Vintage brown seventies blouse with a flowery motive that used to have a tear but has now been repaired with embroidery that mimicks the same design

Do you have a blouse with a tear lying around that needs fixing? Feel free to drop me a line, and together we can find a solution.

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