Light blue t-shirt with long sleeves and a very busy dinosaurs and cars print lying on the ground, showing off an embroidered lightning drawing that covers up a hole

Repair a hole in your t-shirt

In the midst of the very busy print on this t-shirt, a tiny hole was trying to hide itself. Got caught somewhere, I suppose. The busy design on this shirt proved useful as inspiration to repair this hole - I just embroidered something on that was already there. In this case: a white lightning arrow. Read on to find out how to repair a hole in your t-shirt.

Repair a hole in your t-shirt

  1. Turn your t-shirt inside out, and iron on a piece of fusible interlining  that is slighly larger than the design you want to embroider over the hole. This doesn't only ensure that your hole won't get any bigger, it also reinforces your fabric, making it easier for you to embroider on it. If you're not sure what type of fusible interlining to use, ask advice in the shop, they'll be able to assist you.
  2. Turn your t-shirt right side out again, and use a washable marker to draw your design over the hole. Make sure your drawing covers the hole completely. I took my inspiration from the lightning arrows right below the hole, and simply added another one.
    lightning arrow drawn with purple marker over a hole in a t-shirt
  3. Take your embroidery needle and thread, and start embroidering your design, covering the hole. To get the tension of your fabric right and to make it easier for you to embroider, I advise to use an embroidery hoop, but if you don't have one lying around, you can also do this without a hoop. I used 2 strands of white mouliné thread to fill up the design. Make sure to always tug your thread slightly to get the tension right, but not too hard so your fabric doesn't gather. This is the hardest part, actually, finding the right tension.
  4. Use some black embroidery thread to outline your arrow if you want to. To do so, I also used 2 strands of thread here.close up of a white lightning arrow embroidered over a hole in a light blue t-shirt with a very busy design full of dinosaurs, cars and lightning

All done! Do you have a t-shirt with a hole lying around that needs fixing? Feel free to drop me a line, and together we can find a solution.

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